Blog Talk Radio Show Won t Be Fooled Again

xx. Proceed Cool

The world of live broadcasting is unpredictable, annihilation can happen that could derail 1 of your shows; an angry caller, technical issues, guests existence uncooperative or not showing up. In these situations, it'southward important to think of your station as a professional surround and behave appropriately. Don't freak out. Don't abandon all promise. Put your thinking cap on; it's problem-solving fourth dimension. You're non the only one affected in these situations, everyone else at the station may showtime to panic, and so it'south your chore to go along calm and reassure anybody. If you can all stay equanimous you'll be improve equipped to solve any problems.

19. Do Your Research

In the internet age that we live in, people live to call others out. Avoid becoming next week's big meme by always being as accurate as possible with any topic, otherwise, in that location'll exist a horde of people waiting to immediately dismiss yous for what could accept been an honest mistake. And that's the best-example scenario.

Equally such; always do your research. It'southward your job to inform and not spread misinformation, whether intentional or not, so if yous're making obvious mistakes and getting facts wrong whenever you're on air, information technology's going to destroy your audience's trust in your ability as a presenter. You lot'll also just look lazy.

Research goes beyond skimming Wikipedia, too! It's a great resource but, because anyone can edit articles, some of them are… less than reliable. If people can recognise y'all've done the bare minimum they may look elsewhere for someone more knowledgeable or engaging. Dedication to your piece of work tin be very endearing to audiences, then if you're on Wikipedia, check out the sources at the bottom of the folio, which oftentimes link to more in-depth articles to use for your inquiry.

eighteen. Appoint With Your Radio Station

Back in the twenty-four hour period, radio presenters used to stroll in, circulate their show, and then stroll out - nowadays this isn't good enough, it looks similar you don't care about the station. You lot demand to engage with your station; guest and contribute for other's shows, mention them in your own broadcasts and maintain practiced working relationships with your coworkers. Solidarity within your station makes it more of a customs for you, your coworkers and your audition. Listeners will engage for longer if they feel like office of a greater whole.

Listen to your listeners

17. Always Pre-Read Scripts

Unprofessional is non a good look. While the occasional mistake can exist brushed aside, constantly messing up makes yous expect bad and sometimes land y'all in hot h2o. For recent examples of this, an MSNBC presenter recently caused controversy when mispronouncing the proper name of the Los Angeles Lakers.


If you want to avert mistakes similar these, read your scripts beforehand and rehearse them, otherwise you may make a fool of yourself.

16. Don't Be Prejudiced

Many people take fabricated careers out of beingness controversial, offensive and edgy, and maybe y'all can as well, but it's best to know where to draw the line. Your behaviour as a presenter doesn't only impact you; you lot're representing the entire station every time yous're on air. Presenting yourself equally beingness prejudiced or bigoted, even in the proper noun of a joke, makes y'all more than problem than y'all're worth to the station.

Too as that, a reputation of intolerance is going to follow you to any other station you join. Audiences are going to call back you as 'that guy', and they're non going to forget any fourth dimension shortly. And then just be polite and help all of your listeners feel welcome to your shows.

15. Fail to Ready, Set to Neglect

Different what many think, we know your task doesn't start and cease in the studio. Being a great radio presenter means there's e'er something to do; paperwork, arranging guests, working with producers, it's endless. Trying to juggle too many things at once can be disastrous, so it'southward good to prioritise your tasks and prepare for shows well in advance. Come up with a schedule you can follow;

Prioritise important work first, such every bit writing scripts, going over shows and meeting with producers, rehearsing, etc. and whatsoever extra paperwork or contacting guests for time to come broadcasts can exist done after the show is complete.

Breaking your solar day upward and planning ahead allows you lot to concentrate on each activity so you lot can make the almost of them.

Try, fail, and try again

14. Never Forget Your Roots

Authenticity is very highly-seasoned to audiences. Office of being an authentic presenter is staying true to your roots, even if y'all're on a worldwide level. How many times accept you seen someone let fame get to their head and change them entirely every bit a person? Staying grounded, maintaining a humble attitude and level perspective will get yous more listeners than acting similar a jerk. No matter where yous are now, you started as a nobody, but like everyone else does.

thirteen. Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously, or No One Will

Pretentious, full of yourself, pompous. Exercise these draw you? They shouldn't. If you want to be a great radio presenter, yous take to be likeable, and nothing screams unlikable like taking yourself way too seriously. Having conviction and dignity is fine, but if yous're unable to accept a joke and act bossy at the slightest disagreement, y'all're going to push button audiences away, get a pain to work with, and probably come across equally more than a petty ridiculous. Learn to express joy along with people and don't always take criticism personally.

12. Professional and Punctual

The dazzler of radio is that you lot are heard, only never seen. All the same, this doesn't hateful you should come to the part in your pyjamas and slippers.

Dressing nicely, relaxing earlier a show, always being on time or earlier and interim professionally puts faith in others that y'all know what you lot're doing and sets an example they can follow. Run your station like clockwork.

eleven. Promote Boyfriend Presenters

When Radio 1'south Nick Grimshaw did his outset prove, nearly every other presenter came by to prove their support. Not but was it a lovely warm welcome, it showed that they care.

Edifice working relationships is vital to working in the radio industry. The other presenters, producers and assistants are your back up network, the people you tin turn to for advice and honest feedback, and then appreciate everything they contribute to your shows.

Show support and encouragement to them and they'll do the aforementioned for yous. Cross-promotion on this level tin exist neat for bringing new listeners to your shows who may have heard of you merely not taken a shot yet. A shout out from a presenter they trust can exist just what they needed to have a gamble on your content.

10. Customs Focused

To be a dandy radio presenter, you demand to keep your ear to the ground and stay in touch with your community. Add that personal touch by demonstrating genuine care and interest for your audience. Become to know them on an individual level by holding events where you can interact with them personally, speak to them when you're out at the pub, anything to build your investment in your audition. Building this kind of human relationship with your listeners helps yous to tailor your content to their interests and improves your ability to engage directly with their needs.

Focus on your community

ix. Know Your Station Like the Dorsum of Your Hand

It's important to be friendly with everyone at your station, so you're kept in the loop and cultivate a pleasant work environment for anybody. No matter if it's commercial, sales, or producers, effort to put in face up time with all the people involved in making shows on the station and bear witness your appreciation for their hard work, without them your testify wouldn't be possible!

8. Larn Useful New Skills

Every bit brilliant a presenter every bit you may be, you lot're never going to know everything almost radio. Take every day at your station equally an opportunity to learn new skills and forge bonds with your coworkers. Information technology doesn't matter what your function is, try to find some fourth dimension to sit in with other departments in the station and learn about what they exercise and how they practice it. Who knows? In a pinch, the skills you learn could come up in handy.

seven. Share Nuggets of Your Life On-Air

Howard Stern, famous radio and tv personality, shares every aspect of his life with his audition. That'southward non to say you lot have to, simply sprinkling your ain personal stories in your shows gives them flavour and makes them feel real and engaging for your listeners.

6. Paint Pictures with Words

Radio is unique, it's the only medium where you paint pictures with words, presenting dizzying possibilities that are but limited to the listener'due south imagination. Bring your shows to life with powerful storytelling to appoint and inspire your listeners. Develop this skill in your everyday life by absorbing a diversity of content, non just radio; lookout man Television set, read books, play video games, observe the dynamic and varied ways that each medium captures an audience. Take the writing techniques from these and use them to raise your ability to tell stories that obsess listeners.

5. Stay Updated

It'due south piece of cake for listeners to become disconnected if they don't feel they tin can relate to the voice on the other side of the radio. Countering this ties into your ability to interact with listeners as a community; sometimes it'due south not enough to focus entirely on your own life. It means understanding and appealing to your audition's interests and frustrations. If your audience is into the latest TV show, sentry it, if they're complaining nigh traffic in the city heart, find out more virtually it. The point is to understand and relate to who y'all're talking to, even if that means doing things you wouldn't normally exercise. Develop a connection that will concluding.

Stay updated, one step at a time

4. Social Media Savvy

The earth is more connected than e'er earlier. Social media allows people from entirely different sides of the globe to communicate so easily that it was unthinkable 20-30 years ago. Most importantly, it lets people communicate with creators in ways they never could earlier. Twitter, in particular, is where the majority of your audience will come to get updates, share their opinions and interact with you straight. You need to be prepared for anything, as this is also where your detractors will find you and offer… criticism? Insults? Threats? Probably all three.

You need to be able to handle all kinds of interactions on social media, positive and negative, while keeping up a professional demeanor and non embarrassing yourself or your peers. Trust u.s.a., plenty of people accept tanked their careers (and possibly others) through unprofessional behaviour on social media.

For a more in depth guide on how to properly apply social media, specifically Twitter, take a look at founder James Mulvany's guide on growing your audience.

3. Make Listeners Feel Special

Despite a lot of talk about building communities, making people function of a greater whole, etc. what listeners really want is to experience special when they're listening to your broadcasts. Listen to your favourite presenter and note how they address the audience. Near of the time, they don't. They accost You. Chances are, without realising information technology, that's ane of the reasons you listen to them. Personal address towards the listeners helps to single them out and give them a feeling of companionship, then be sure to e'er accost the audience equally a single person rather than a whole.

2. Air Check Your Shows

No matter how well you lot think a show went, at that place's always room for improvement. If you slipped up and want to figure out how to avoid it in the future, or perchance something went really well and you want to replicate it for future shows, it'southward worth listening back to the recordings of your circulate. This is a simple but effective way of addressing issues before they go major problems.

Air check your shows

1. NEVER Be Boring

Who wants to listen to a boring person? The number 1 secret to condign a great radio presenter is to take a unique vocalization and perspective that sets you apart from the crowd. There's enough mediocrity in the earth and yous shouldn't be happy settling for being merely another radio presenter. The best radio presenters can make even the most boring topics interesting through merely their enthusiasm and power to offer a new perspective. Wear your passions on your sleeve and take fun with what you're doing and your audience should have fun too.

Terminal Thoughts

Becoming a cracking radio presenter doesn't happen overnight. Accept these points on board and you'll be on your way to improving your shows and engaging with your audience on a whole new level. How take you been honing your radio presenting skills? Share what works (and what doesn't) in the comments beneath.


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