How Many Times a Day Should Formula Fed Baby Poop

If there's one universal parenting truth, it'due south that you lot're going to exist talking about infant poop a lot. (Cue questions: How oft should a newborn poop? How tin y'all help baby poop? What does green babe poop mean? What exactly should normal baby poop await similar?) And while it may not exist a typical topic of conversation for the dinner table, it'southward something you'll find yourself thinking about all the time. Infant's poop—the colour, consistency and corporeality—can provide of import clues into the health of your infant, says Wendy Sue Swanson, Physician, a pediatrician and chief medical officer at SpoonfulOne.

Another reason why it's a perpetual theme throughout the diaper years? Because baby's poop habits change all the time. In fact, when it comes to infant poop, in that location's a whole spectrum of what's considered the norm. In that location are a lot of factors that tin contribute to color, consistency and frequency. What'southward normal for a breastfed baby (i.e. mustard-like poop) may not be normal for a formula-fed infant (soft and yellow, green or brown-ish). A lilliputian one that's eating solid foods volition also accept a baby poop that's very different from an babe that'southward nonetheless exclusively breastfeeding or formula-feeding. Suffice to say, infant'due south poop will evolve and and then will your idea of "normal."

So what is considered normal infant poop—and when should y'all be concerned? We'll help you sort it all out with our comprehensive baby poop guide. Here'southward what to expect from that first diaper modify, all the way up through potty preparation.

In this commodity:
Infant's Outset Poop
How Often Should a Newborn Poop
Infant Poop Color: Light-green Baby Poop
Baby Not Pooping: How to Assistance Baby Poop
Types of Infant Poop When to Run into the Doctor

Infant's First Poop

Unlike many of your kid's milestones, y'all likely won't accept a picture of baby's first poop—just it's an important one. Usually gummy and darkish green-black in color, baby's first poop is chosen meconium and is made up of everything baby ingested in utero, including amniotic fluid, skin cells and water. But within the first few days of life, your newborn'south poop should progressively get more watery and lighter in color. If information technology doesn't, or if baby isn't consistently pooping in the beginning few days of life, it could exist a sign that they're not getting proper nutrition and need a follow-upwards visit with the pediatrician, Swanson says.

How Often Should a Newborn Poop?

In the outset 4 to six weeks of life, regardless of whether your infant is breastfed or formula-fed, you lot should look your newborn to poop after nearly every feeding, Swanson says. And depending on whether you're breastfeeding, formula feeding or combination feeding, the stools will probable await different. Breastfed baby poop is often yellow, seedy and runny, while a formula-fed infant'southward poop may be darker and thicker.

After six weeks, as baby's digestive tract develops, their poop habits may change. How often should a newborn poop? It depends. While one to three times or more than a twenty-four hours is a criterion, it'southward common for breastfed babies to not poop every bit frequently as formula-fed babies.

How often should a breastfed babe poop?

Is your breastfed baby non pooping? Don't panic. Because breast milk is digested differently than formula, it'due south not unusual for a breastfed infant to pee regularly (creating six to viii wet diapers a day) but not poop for several days. "It'southward common for a breastfed baby to become 2 or 3 days without pooping, and it's possible for them to become upward to vii days," Swanson says. If your breastfed baby isn't pooping, it's more important to watch their demeanor than their diapers. If they seem content and their abdomen is soft, they're probable fine. But if their belly feels rigid or babe seems uncomfortable, it could exist a sign they're constipated, Swanson adds.

How oft should a formula-fed baby poop?

Formula-fed babies tend to have poop that's a flake darker and firmer than breastfed babe poop. Their poop may be the consistency of hummus and colour can range from yellow to green-brownish or tan. Formula-fed babies volition likely poop at least once a day; if they don't poop for two or more than days, information technology could signal constipation. Equally important is the consistency of baby's poop. "Log or pellet-like shapes could indicate constipation," Swanson says. It's of import to accost this with your pediatrician, since constipation could mean an allergy or be a sign that it's time to try another make of babe formula.

Baby Poop Color: What Does It Mean?

When it comes to assessing potential wellness issues, a pediatrician frequently checks baby'south poop color. Earlier you lot panic, think that what goes in must come out—especially for babies who are beginning to swallow table nutrient. In other words, if infant has beets for dejeuner, you lot're probably going to see carmine in a few hours. Still, pediatricians concord information technology's smart to keep tabs on the colors you see. If you practice spot something unusual, handbag up the diaper and bring information technology along to your appointment—it can help a doctor make an assessment. From green baby poop to red, orange, black and beyond, here'south what each baby poop color could mean:

Epitome: Lindsey Balbierz

Green baby poop

With formula-fed infants, it's normal for baby poop to be a greenish-tan colour. Sometimes the iron in baby formula can cause dark greenish babe poop and isn't a reason for concern. Greenish baby poop can also signal teething or that baby is getting over a stomach bug. If baby has dark-green poop and is too fussy at feedings or seems gassy and uncomfortable, information technology could be a sign they have a cow's milk allergy and are reacting to the formula, Swanson says, which means you should consult your doctor almost other options. For a breastfed baby, green babe poop might signal something else. "Bright green baby poop in a breastfed infant, peculiarly if it's frothy, may mean they're getting as well much foremilk and non enough of the fattier hindmilk," Swanson says. Try keeping baby on ane breast per feeding or mitt express a flake of milk before letting them latch and see if this solves the problem.

White baby poop

If infant is still being breastfed or formula-fed, chalky, whitish or gray infant poop definitely warrants a call to the pediatrician, since it tin can exist a sign the liver isn't operation the way it should be.

Orange baby poop

Many of infant'southward outset solid foods can result in orangish-colored babe poop (think: carrots and sweet potatoes). A breastfed infant may likewise have orange-ish tinted stool if Mom has been on medication or been eating artificially colored foods, since the dyes may make their fashion into breast milk. Orange poop mostly doesn't point a problem, but if you're worried, call your pediatrician, Swanson says.

Red baby poop

Flecks of red are no big deal. If y'all're breastfeeding, in that location might be tiny amounts of claret infant swallowed from cracks in your nipple. Red flecks might also appear if baby is constipated and straining besides hard to poop. If you're but starting baby on table foods, you may have to play diet detective to suss out whatsoever nutrient culprits. Stools that look genuinely encarmine or are bright red may point an infection, allergy, GI injury or other medical business organization and should exist addressed immediately.

Black infant poop

If a newborn's poop is still looking black by day 3, it may be a sign they're not getting adequate nutrition or digesting milk the way they should. If you encounter blackness poop when infant'south a bit older, it could exist caused by iron in their diet, which is no big deal. If infant isn't taking an fe supplement and the poop looks black, information technology could exist a sign of GI tract bleeding and should exist seen by a physician. "Only information technology's not red!" you lot say? Blood actually turns from red to black as it travels through baby's intestines, according to Madhavi Kapoor, MD, clinical assistant professor in the department of pediatrics at NYU Langone Medical Middle.

Yellow baby poop

Mustard yellowish is a normal baby poop color for both breastfed and formula-fed infants. If baby's stool is vivid yellow, the colour modify could be a result of medications or food eaten by Mom.

Gray baby poop

If baby is eating solids, poop may exist gray depending on what your child ate, Swanson says. If baby hasn't still started table food, then it'south important to assess, every bit it could signal a liver or gallbladder problem.

How to Help Baby Poop

Before having a infant, you lot probably never imagined you'd wish for a muddy diaper. But a poop tin can provide sweet relief for an uncomfortable baby and a worried parent. There are a few common reasons why baby is not pooping: Dehydration, eating starchy foods like bananas, a time shift due to traveling or occasionally an allergy or intolerance. In older babies, especially those on the cusp of potty training, withholding poop can be psychological—they may exist agape of the potty or upset over an external effect, similar a caregiver change or thrown-off schedule.

Luckily, many at-home remedies to help babe poop are simple, effective and recommended by pediatricians—merely it's best to use them just occasionally. "I warn parents not to become dependent on a 'fox' to brand a baby poop," Swanson says. "If information technology's a persistent problem, it's something I like to see in the office."

Here are some ideas on how to get a newborn to poop, too as what to do when an older baby is not pooping .

Wheel legs. Peddling an baby'south legs to and from their chest, every bit if they're riding a bicycle, can be a gentle way to stimulate your child's digestive organization, Swanson says. Older babies generally don't need this trick, since itch, climbing and pulling up to stand help proceed things moving.

Warm bath. The warmth and stimulation of the water can relax muscles and assist baby poop.

Rectal stimulation. For occasional employ merely, Swanson suggests gentle rectal stimulation by gently inserting a rectal thermometer or using a gas-relieving product, such as Fridababy's Windi ($13, However, Swanson cautions this shouldn't go your go-to trick. "If used too oftentimes, the baby may become reliant on rectal stimulation to poop."

H2o or juice. Constipation can be a sign of dehydration. If babe has started eating solids, offer a few ounces of water or pear juice may assistance movement things along. Constipation may also be a sign infant needs to nurse more than or be offered a canteen more regularly. If yous're at all concerned, talk to your pediatrician.

Glycerin suppositories. Another occasional-apply tool, Swanson says glycerin suppositories can be helpful for constipation. Inquire your doctor showtime, peculiarly if baby is younger than a year.

The iv P's: Prunes, plums, peaches and pears. These 4 fruits are a great natural way to assistance baby poop. If baby has started solids, add together a serving or two into your kid'south daily diet to proceed things moving.

Veggies. The high-cobweb content in vegetables makes them all-stars when it comes to dealing with constipation.

Whole grains. When planning baby'southward meals, try incorporating some whole grains: Chocolate-brown rice, whole-wheat pasta and multigrain cereals or bread maximize bran intake, which can assistance soften stool and make information technology easier for baby to poop.

Is information technology normal for baby to grunt?

If yous hear baby making grunting noises, don't fret. They're just learning how to take a bowel movement. Infants let out moans and groans as they become; their intestinal muscles aren't very strong even so, and so pooping requires more attempt and energy and engages the diaphragm, resulting in some sound effects. It'south not uncommon to run into babies straining or making faces while they're at it too. This is completely normal, and doesn't necessarily indicate a problem like constipation.

Types of Infant Poop

While information technology'due south normal to get a teeny scrap less obsessive over every single diaper change every bit baby grows, information technology's still of import to go on an eye out for potential problems and warning signs. While some odd consistencies may have a elementary caption (hullo, raisins!), others may need to be discussed with your doc. Here are some types of babe poop to lookout man out for:


In infancy, loose stools tin be a sign of an allergy, either to the milk proteins in formula or, if you lot're breastfeeding, to something you ate. As babe gets older, watery stools may be a sign of teething (baby is swallowing more saliva, leading to runnier poop), but could also be a sign of a tummy bug. In that case, keeping your kid hydrated with enough of water or milk is essential. If the diarrhea is accompanied by a fever of 100.4 or higher, or babe is younger than 3 months one-time, it's a good idea to call your pediatrician, Kapoor says.

Blood in baby stool

While a few flecks tin can be normal, anything more than that should exist brought to your pediatrician'southward attention. "Claret in the stool could be acquired by constipation, infection, injury or allergy, so going to the doctor is essential," Kapoor says.

Mucus in baby stool

A common sign of teething or a common cold, occasional mucus is no big bargain. Even so, "if you notice it frequently or in big amounts, information technology could be a sign of a GI tract result and should be discussed with your pediatrician," Kapoor says.

Stringy babe poop

A cousin to mucus, stringy baby poop could be a sign of a cold or teething, or just the outcome of something infant has been eating. If it shows up frequently in babe's diaper, it'due south a practiced idea to call your pediatrician.

Foamy baby poop

"In a breastfed infant, foamy stool may exist a sign that baby is getting also much foremilk," Kapoor says. For an easy solve, attempt completing a feeding on just one breast. In a formula-fed infant, frothy baby poop could bespeak an infection or allergy.

Pebble-similar stool

This is a archetype sign of constipation or withholding stool in older babies. Try some abode constipation cures and go to the physician if babe doesn't poop within the next 24 hours.

Doctors agree that if you come across anything unusual, spot a baby poop problem accompanied by a high fever or if baby is crying inconsolably, you should call the medico, who can assist guide you through possible causes and next steps. And don't be shy about bagging the diaper for your doctor's inspection. "We see it all the time, and we aren't disgusted," Kapoor says. "It can assistance us best effigy out what the issue may be."

When to Meet the Doctor

Yes, you tin tell a lot most infant's health by monitoring the color and consistency of their poop. But if you notice any of the following, you lot should consult your dr. for advice:

  • Breastfeed babe hasn't pooped in over three days
  • Formula-fed baby hasn't pooped in over five days
  • Babe poop is thick, hard or or pebbly
  • Infant poop is red or black
  • Infant poop is white, greyness or clay-colored

In the coming days, weeks and months, you'll probable take upwardly a mission to clarify the contents of your infant'southward diaper; checking for normal baby poop is par for the class. The truth is: Everybody poops—and you want to make sure your little 1 is happy and healthy! To that cease, keep our infant poop guide bookmarked every bit a reference to aid you navigate this sometimes sticky, but e'er interesting phase of parenthood!

Almost the experts:

Madhavi Kapoor, Doc, is a clinical assistant professor in the section of pediatrics at NYU Langone Medical Center. She received her medical degree from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas.

Wendy Sue Swanson, Doctor, is a pediatrician and chief medical officer at SpoonfulOne and BeforeBrands. Previously, the executive managing director of digital health for Seattle Children'due south Infirmary, she earned her medical caste from University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia.

Please annotation: The Bump and the materials and data it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You lot should always consult with a qualified doc or health professional person about your specific circumstances.


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